Hernandez Palacios. Editorial Castro Lithograph, 7 colors; 44 x 31 cm.
"This poster is an advertisement for a serial novel, Tempestad Sobre Un Trono, published in Spain shortly before the war (circa 1931) when the government of the Second Republic was established. The tri-color flag held by the women and her red cap are all symbols of Republican Spain. The novel may have been an attempt to rouse support for the Republican cause by harkening back to the early 1930s. It may have also been part of the variety of propaganda campaigns encouraging reading, in general, and the reading of communist or anarchist literature, in particular.
Although little information could be found on the novel itself, there exists some information on its authors. First, Cristobal de Castro (b. 1878) is most remembered as a journalist who published articles in several of Madrid's most important periodicals of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. However, he did publish two books of poetry in 1903, Cancionero galante and El amor que pasa, as well as a third dramatic poem in collaboration with López de Alarcón in 1908, Gerineldo. Castro also published a few novels of which his 1921 La interina is most remembered. Pedro de Répide (1882-1947) was a madrileño and worked both as an historian and a novelist in his lifetime. He received some training at the Sorbonne in Paris and worked at the Library of Isabel II there. In the 1930s, he published two historical works one, not surprisingly, on Isabel II (1932) and another on Alfonso XII (1936). In addition, he wrote several novels reflecting on life in Madrid. Diego San José (b. 1885) served as the editor or a collaborator on several periodicals and magazines throughout his lifetime. He also wrote poetry and published a number of historical novels in the 1920s including La carte del rey embrujo (1923), Una pica de Flandes (1925), and De capellán a guerrillero (1929). Information on the other two authors of Tempestad Sobre un Trono Dionisio Pérez and Luis de Oteyza (1883-1964) was not found.
Little information is available on the artist Antonio Hernandez Palacios except that he continued his artistic career after the war in designing film posters and comics."
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