terça-feira, outubro 13, 2009

"Isto anda tudo ligado"...

Um leitor fez o favor de me enviar um interessante artigo de Steve Richards publicado no Independent. Com os meus agradecimentos, ficam aqui algumas citações e o link para o artigo completo, para que se possa concluir que muitos dos problemas e asneiras são comuns e não se resolvem por artes mágicas de uma qualquer reforma da organização dos partidos ou da lei eleitoral.

"Cameron's recent attacks on big government make him the only leader in the Western world who believes the reckless activity of banks was the consequence of too much government rather than too little."

"This is not a rotten parliament, but it is a mediocre one, as was the parliament that preceded it and the one before that."

"In both the Conservative and Labour parties the selections of candidates are more democratic than they used to be. Yet the change has often benefited mediocre local figures at the expense of more talented ones."

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